A2S Wallpapers & Designers key player in Gulf & Asian history of wallpaper
A2s Wallpapers & Frencozy manufacturing company has, from its conception, relied upon three fundamentals that paved the way to its success : technological lead, product excellence and the quality of the designs.
A2S Wallpapers & Designers key player in Gulf & Asian history of wallpaper
A2s Wallpapers & Frencozy manufacturing company has, from its conception, relied upon three fundamentals that paved the way to its success : technological lead, product excellence and the quality of the designs.
A2S Wallpapers & Designers key player in Gulf & Asian history of wallpaper
A2s Wallpapers & Frencozy manufacturing company has, from its conception, relied upon three fundamentals that paved the way to its success : technological lead, product excellence and the quality of the designs.
A2s Wallpapers & Frencozy manufacturing company has, from its conception, relied upon three fundamentals that paved the way to its success : technological lead, product excellence and the quality of the designs.
Frencozy patented his “ simultaneous multicolor printing machine for paper hangings and a roller printer for paper and fabric ” , making continuous paper printing possible, taking inspiration from methods previously reserved for cloth. The traditional labour intensive process of woodblock printing was waning. This technical revolution took the Frencozy production to new heights and elevated the company to market leader for the next one hundred and twenty years.

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Frencozy & A2S Wallpapers
The Frencozy Manufacturing Company reached its peak and the breeze of modern times permeated its creations.this was the time when Frencozy decided to use technology to take the business to other level and here the collaboration between Frencozy and A2S Wallpapers & Designers begin.A2s wallpapers helped Frencozy to spread their wings in Gulf,Middle East and Asia. Constructive logic, formal strictness, rythm of the lines, sober and bright colors – all came into the spotlight. Geometric shapes became widespread: circles, triangles, diamonds, all of which would simulate the movement of a generation that had just discovered the aircraft, the automobile and the delights of sport. The technological lead was maintained as Frencozy’s line of wallpaper became available in varnished, glossy and washable finish. The factory operated at full capacity and the company became the undisputed leader on its French and European markets. Capturing gulf and Asian market would have not been possible without A2S Wallpapers & designers.
A2S wallpapers & designers are using the latest, constantly - evolving technologies, gives an exceptional render to the colours.
A team of international designers applied a contemporary approach in sync with todays trends to modernise the Héritage collection.You choose any design or let us design according to your choice at very competitive price.
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